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National Discussion symbol resources

Posted by Joanna Courtney on the 17th November, 2022

Category Symbols Communication Support Needs

People all over Scotland are talking about Education as part of a National Discussion. A promise has been made to listen to the views of children and young people.

Every child’s ‘voice’ in this discussion is important and their views will be listened to carefully and used to make Scottish Education better for everybody.

Children can help by thinking about the following questions carefully and answering them in a way which works best for them, within a discussion around ‘My Ideal School.’

The 4 Questions:

CALL Scotland has created a set of 4 symbol sheets to help learners with complex communication support needs, as well as early learners or those with English as an Additional Language (EAL) give their views on these questions, so that every voice is heard. Views can then be submitted to Scottish Government, either as a group or individual.

Download the symbol resources and find out how to use them


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